6 Strategies That Freight Forwarding Partners Use to Shape Commercial Outcomes

freight forwarding partners

Freight forwarding partners are not introduced to a business on a whim. Their role is to deliver a more efficient and robust supply chain protocol that addresses short and long-term commercial needs. How do they achieve this exactly? Here are 6 strategies that are implemented to shape quality outcomes for brands. 

1) Minimise Process Costs 

Being able to control the bottom line is an essential feature that freight forwarding partners provide for their clientele. Amid all of the logistics of goods moving between point A to point B, ordering of key materials and paying for labour and technological frameworks, there can be thousands, if not millions of dollars wasted each year. Connecting with these operators allows for thorough analysis to be engaged as they pinpoint immediate cost saving measures and integrate protocols that maximise revenue for the long-term. 

2) Leverage First-Class Freight Technologies 

The need to shape commercial outcomes through freight forwarding partners will require a lot more than personal insights and training. In this setting, they will require first-class technologies that facilitate greater understanding of logistical operations and allocation of resources. From the integration of software utilities to the use of tracking systems, storing and packing mechanisms and transport infrastructure, these are the tools that deliver the results companies are searching for. 

3) Ensure Operational Compliance 

While it might feel like a subject only reserved for a handful of department members, industrial compliance is a serious matter that necessitates planning and diligence. It is often the case when outlets are transferring goods over state lines and international borders that compliance measures are needed to be covered and regulated. The decision to use freight forwarding partners will allow for critical oversight and effective planning, removing any danger of litigation or liability down the line. 

4) Connecting With Established Freight Networks 

The decision to link up with these supply chain specialists and freight practitioners is made all the easier when the client considers the established networks that are in place. Rather than attempting to generate that kind of supply chain framework from ground zero with various couriers and business partners, they already have the contacts and routes calculated. By placing the commercial needs within that system, they are capable of delivering quality outcomes. 

5) Keep Participants Accountable 

Not only will freight forwarding partners be accountable for the work they oversee, but they will put systems and protocols in place that creates a culture of accountability across the organization. In so many cases, the loss of stock, the struggles with communication and the lack of foresight is hard to attribute to people or departments. With their expertise and skill, they will allocate tasks and set objectives to these stakeholders, assisting ownership and management with their decision-making moving forward. 

6) Transparent Rates & Flexible Agreements 

For freight forwarding partners to shape positive outcomes for their business customers, they need to be transparent with the rates that they charge and the kind of agreements that can be formed. Given the pressure brought about by supply chain interruption and inflation, there are enough external factors that dictate operational policy, let alone events that occur in-house. By being up front and flexible with their freight engagement, they afford more room to adapt and reduce pressure. 

Freight forwarding partners won’t look to rush these protocols and will ensure that they are working in the interests of the business. Yet it is clear that intervention is required across certain department zones in order to meet supply chain obligations and targets. If this sounds like an enticing prospect, it is worthwhile reaching out and contacting these specialists about project opportunities.