The Need For Dog Obedience Training

dog obedience training

When you hear obedience training, it simply means dog training. So, obedience training is popularly used in such a context. Basic dog obedience training tries to coach the dog to act reliably to a simple verbal command. Examples are “Sit,” “Stay,” “Come,” “Down,” and “Heel.”

Dog obedience training can be taken to a higher level by training the dog to “Go to Place” and asking it to “Rollover.”

What Are The Purposes?

The purposes of dog obedience training are:

  • To generate confidence
  • To serve as a boost to the dog’s mental stimulation
  • To energize the bond between humans and dog
  • To serve as means of saving the dog’s life. For example, if the dog is standing in traffic way, you can just shout come, and it will move quickly. 

Secret To Obedience Training

Dog obedience training has its own secret. The simple secret is the reward. Put your attention consistently on always offering a reward for the behavior you like. Never reward contrary behavior. Whenever your dog performs well, you should reward it. For example, when you say “Sit” and you don’t offer it a treat before it gets up, it gets confused. 

Options For Obedience Training

Ways to follow for your dog obedience training are:

Do It Yourself (DIY): You can make the choice of having to train the dog by yourself from home.

Training Class: The second option is a regular dog obedience training class where you will meet other people with their dogs and train together.

Private Trainer: Another option is to hire a private trainer for the dog obedience training.

Boot Camp Kennel School: You can also register your dog at boot camp kennel school. At such a school, you only drop the dog off for the week. The trainer carries out the training without your participation.

To easily pick from the above-named options, you simply have to consider two things. The first one is how much effort you wish to put in. The second one is what level of professional assistance you require.

Duration Of The Training

Many factors can affect the period of dog obedience training. If the dog trains for five days a week, it will catch up faster than 2 days a week. The experience of the trainer also matters. An experienced trainer uses fewer sessions than a trainer without experience. If you decide to do it yourself, the training can last 4 weeks or even four months.

Keys For The Success Of The Training 

There are two keys to successful dog obedience training. 1. Rewards and 2. Consistency. Without consistency, the dog will get confused. You need to apply the same rules in the same way consistently.

Summing Up

Obedience training is highly beneficial to your dog as it can be used to save the life of the dog. So many options on ways to do the training are available to you. The determinant factors of your choice are based on how much personal effort you are ready to put in and the level of professional input you need.