Some Recreational Corporate Team Building Events And Activities

If you are noticing, some people are feeling too bummed out lately in the office, make sure that they know that they are valued and also needed by the company. Some people usually feel down because they are either depressed about something or they are lonely. This can be fixed by making some team building events and activities happen. A team outing will bring up the spirits of all the employees and the employers as well. You may find and make a really good friend. People do surprise you with who they are and what they can offer. Team outings are also a fantastic way to facilitate a bonding experience with some of your teammates, and this can reduce the stress that the employees face. It will also give them a chance to get to know their colleagues outside of the workplace, a place where they can let their walls down and try and get along with people who they just work with. Here is a list of some great ideas to use for the team outing, if you are planning one.


  1. A scavenger hunt is surely something fun. You can involve a lot of people in it, and the planning and execution will surely create bonds and friendships.
  2. A cook-off will benefit all the people involved in it; it creates some healthy competition and also there is a whole lot of food at the end of it, so that all can feast on it. You can bond with your colleagues while buying the items necessary and also while having the actual cook-off. You all can bet on who makes the best food and then make teams and support the player of your choice.
  3. A board game night can involve all kinds of games like monopoly, Scotland Yard, Pictionary, game of life, etc. You can form teams and play against each other. Make sure that the competition is healthy and not serious. Make sure that you have insane loads of fun.
  4. Have an office trivia night. You can lay out some drinks, snacks, and sliders. Even some entrées, and then indulge in a couple of spirited trivia games. This can be trivia about anything that everyone knows. Make it certain that no one feels left out. Here are some trivia ideas: Game Of Thrones, Marvel (any of the movies or all of them), Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and World franchise, Star Wars, Pokémon, etc. These are all franchises that the majority of people love.
  5. Have a karaoke night. This will reveal their talents of singing and dancing as well. Not to mention, with a couple of cold ones, karaoke can be a lot of fun.
Categorized as Events

Workplace Rubrics For Employees And Owners Of Businesses

It is a legal requirement that there has to has to be proper and sure stead rules for all of the employees in a company; not only employees but also the owners of the company. Rules which are carefully and adequately selected can safeguard your business from any kinds of legal claims and also especially help you maintain a proper and positive work environment. The management of your employees in the workplace is an important necessity, which even a small business needs to exercise. Rules at work protect your company and also your workers, and if they are properly implemented and executed, they will surely create and also maintain a very happy and positive environment for everyone working in the company. When it comes to small businesses, the rules are usually bent, and some of them are even optional.


But federal state laws will actually require your company to post and have policies when it comes to any issues or problems in the workplace. Sexually harassing an employee or colleague, consumption of alcohol in the workplace, smoking of cigarettes and even abusing drugs is forbidden in the workplace. Any person found indulging in any of the above will most probably be suspended or even fired. In areas and companies that abide by the law, you have no choice by to comply with these rules and regulations.

You should make sure to keep the rules as easily readable and general as possible. Give some flexibility and then enforce them. The rules at the workplace must actually reflect how you are as a businessman and also how you are as an individual. This can influence your business in amazing and positive ways. Come up with the rules and then hand over a copy to all the employees and also all the individuals that are involved in the organization. Here are a few examples:Teamwork

– Come up with safety rules and give them a lot of importance. Make sure that they are observed.

– Being tardy and also being absent policy. You have to report and also analyze how many sick leaves and personal leaves they have.

– Draft up some rules about breaks and lunches as well.

– The overtime policies should be ironclad and make sure that your employees know how much they will be paid if they work overtime.

– The dress code is also another thing that must be specified in the rules. You cannot have people coming into work wearing sweats.

– The rules must also cover statements regarding damage of the employers’ properties.

– There must also be prohibitions when it comes to revealing sensitive information to other employees.


Categorized as Rubrics